Friday, February 13, 2009

I came across a great article in Edutopia this week about wiki's and wikipedia. The author suggest that wikipedia is a "fun way to let our MySpacers publish in an educational way". He also suggests a couple of other wiki's to check out...wikiquote, wiktionary and wikinews. The article also contains a link to a very cool wiki project at a elementary school. The school is using a wiki for creating prior knowledge for students that will be going on a field trip. Cool stuff!! I really agree with what the author is saying as he has targeted an issue that I really believe. Teaching students that are constantly plugged in is new and somewhat frightening for many teachers.
My 14 year old son is always chatting with me about this topic and really expresses his lack of engagement in the types of projects and activities being offered to him at school. I try to take that knowlede with me to my classroom.
Looking at wikis was a lot of fun. I have a little bit of experience creating them but have not actually used them in the school. I struggle with finding ways that will engage the teachers and entice them to learn and use them as well.

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