Thursday, March 26, 2009

Exploration: Week 8: Web 2.0 Bringing it all together

Web 2.0 Tools and Applications:
Wow, there is a lot of stuff here to keep me busy for awhile! I couldn't resist checking out some of the apps.
  • Lovelycharts A tool similar to Kidspiration but with more options for business presentations. Options for flow charts, site maps, organizational charts, network and screen shots. Great app for professional development presentation or power points for teaching.
  • Unhub A personalized toolbar of apps for social, photo, blog, etc. This is a great idea and I did set one up but I am wondering how quickly it will become overwhelming. I guess I will have to use it more to see. There is a cool demo that includes President Obama's unhub!
TOP 5 Tools from module 2
  1. Facebook is a definite winner for me! I can't believe how much fun I am having reconnecting with high school friends, finding past colleagues, and keeping up with friends and current colleagues. I can even see some network benefits for education purposes. I have had a few IM conversations with teachers about collaboration! yay!
  2. Googledocs is a definite favorite. I use it exclusively for work and love that I am saving my presentations for lessons in one place that can be accessed from anywhere!
  3. Delicious has become something that I use everyday and again I can't get over the ease of use and the value of being able to find what I am looking for easily.
  4. Animoto is still relatively new to me but I really like the ease of use and the availability to create video shorts quickly.
  5. Flickr has become a great way to share photos and I absolutely love the social network aspect of being able to tap into pictures from others. I set up a wiki for my OAmbassador club and added a flickr stream of South Asia pictures and it's fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. Great picks, Anita, and I love your layout too. Good for you, braving go2web20 - I am glad you found things worth sharing and thanks for sharing them! I like that you chose tools that you can use for work and in your personal life - the lines are blurry when we are online and learning how to navigate that is important. You seem to have a real handle on that. Well done.
