Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Inquiring Minds Want to Know - Grade 9 Physical Science - Guided Inquiry: @ the WHS Library!

With the new school year, begins Science Inquiry! This year, I am working with 4 physical science teachers and 210 students to journey through the Guided Inquiry process!  Over the summer, a team from our school participated in the Summer Inquiry Institute at Rutger's University to expand our knowledge about inquiry based research over compilation based projects.  

Creativity is imperative when working with this many students and classes!  For our "Open - creating curiosity for students" we doubled up on some classes.  It was sometimes loud, sometimes chaotic and always high energy.  The students seemed to really enjoy working together with another class during their Inquiry Circles and this activity.  

The objective for today was to provide a way for students to be exposed to Science topics that they may have been unaware of.  It was also a way to get students curious about a topic that they will research by using the Guided Inquiry process. We are taking the students on this journey with a carefully planned activities and lessons.  Much of the plan involved technology use for reflection, assignments and research.  Today was all about low-tech connections with content, students and learning. 

Students read a current article about obscure Science topics. They reflected on the article, pulling out the main ideas.  They also wrote opinion statements regarding how the article relates to Science and what about the article was interesting to them. This was used as the basis for an Inquiry circle in small groups. One of the students began the discussion and each member of the group had the opportunity to share their own thoughts.  Students were eager to share their new knowledge with their inquiry circles.  The topics brought up many questions for the students.  

To culminate the day's activities, students presented their Inquiry Circle discussion to the rest of the group. Many of the groups divided the speaking by their personal opinions. 

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